To Easter and Beyond!

We’ve successfully kept ourselves warm through a chilly first couple of months to the year with a combination of Beatles love and folk harmonies from around the world.  Our weekly singing continues right up to and including March 29th 2018, then we’ll have a two week break and recommence on Thursday 19th April 2018.   This year being the centenary of Nelson Mandela’s birth we’ll be doing a few more S. African songs in preparation for a celebratory event (still in the planning, so no date fixed as yet) to take place on Portobello beach.  Possibly in May, details will be posted when available…  As ever new singers are welcome to come and try us any week and it’s been a pleasure to welcome a number of new folk in 2018 as well as some old hands returning after various pauses – the latest songs page gives you an idea of what we sing each week.